השוואת תנאיו של גלעד שליט לתנאי האסירים הפלסטיניים

השוואת תנאיו של גלעד שליט לתנאי האסירים הפלסטיניים

מספר חתימות

פורסם בתאריך: 10/11/2009

To: International Red Cross and The Human Rights LeagueGilead Shalit who has committed no crime, has been imprisoned for over 3 years by Hamas. What have you done to obtain for him the same basic human rights enjoyed by Palestinian assassins serving their sentences in Israeli prisons? Why don't you do anything to obtain for him decent conditions of detention, food, medical care and access to the media in a language he can understand. If Hamas claims to be the legitimate government of Gaza why don't you insist on their duty to allow your representative to visit Shalit?Why don't you raise a hue and cry? Why don't you turn to The United Nations? Public opinion demands that Gilead Shalit's conditions of detainment be equal to those enjoyed by Palestinians serving their term of imprisonment for their committed crimes. Gilead Shalit's only crime is being an Israeli soldier.

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