Financial management 2 exam

מספר חתימות
8 |
65 | |
We are the students of GMBA13 in IDC, requesting that the final exam of Financial Management 2 terms would be equal and match the terms of Financial Management 1 course.
In this hectic and unfamiliar days of the coronavirus, our schedule and lifestyle has changed. For many of us, it is extremely challenging to be able to complete an exam from home via Zoom within 3 hours, as we experience issues at home that we can't always take a break from or having technical issues. This time frame is not compatible with the reality we experience today. Therefore, enabling our track to take the exam under the same terms as Financial Management 1 exam would the most reasonable and fair option.
We ask you to allow these terms for the upcoming exam.
Many Thanks in advance and Best regards,
GMBA 13 Students